5 Quotes & Sayings By Johann Gottlieb Fichte

Johann Gottlieb Fichte was a German philosopher and the author of the first "science" of psychology, a new discipline he claimed has a universal validity. His Ethical teaching remained influential on some thinkers of the subsequent period, including Immanuel Kant. He remained a controversial figure throughout his life and remained an advocate of German nationalism. In his later years, Fichte's neo-Kantianism became increasingly influenced by the thought of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.

The living and efficaciously acting moral order is itself God. We require no other God, nor can we grasp any other. Johann Gottlieb Fichte
A man can do what he ought to do; and when he says he cannot, it is because he will not. Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Men in the vehement pursuit of happiness grasp at the first object which offers to them any prospect of satisfaction, but immediately they turn an introspective eye and ask, ‘Am I happy?’ and at once from their innermost being a voice answers distinctly, ‘No, you are as poor and as miserable as before.' Then they think it was the object that deceived them and turn precipitately to another. But the second holds as little satisfaction as the first… Wandering then through life restless and tormented, at each successive station they think that happiness dwells at the next, but when they reach it happiness is no longer there. In whatever position they may find themselves there is always another one which they discern from afar, and which but to touch, they think, is to find the wished delight, but when the goal is reached discontent has followed on the way stands in haunting constancy before them. Johann Gottlieb Fichte
To those who do not love God, all things must work together immediately for pain and torment, until, by means of the tribulation, they are led to salvation at last. Johann Gottlieb Fichte